No triv, Forenza lancia appello a eurodeputati: «Sostenete il Sì al referendum del 17 aprile»

No triv, Forenza lancia appello a eurodeputati: «Sostenete il Sì al referendum del 17 aprile»

Eleonora Forenza, eurodeputata capodelegazione dell’Altra Europa – gruppo GUE/NGL, ha lanciato un appello a tutti i colleghi eurodeputati affinchè sostengano le ragioni del “sì” al referendum che si svolgerà in Italia il prossimo 17 aprile.

«E’ importante il sostegno dell’Europa alle ragioni dei movimenti, delle associazioni e delle Regioni che si stanno opponendo alle trivelle. Occorre la più larga partecipazione possibile al voto del 17 aprile, soprattutto visto il poco tempo che ci separa dal giorno del voto – ha dichiarato Forenza – ; per questo ho chiesto ai parlamentari europei di far sentire subito e chiaramente la propria voce contro questo scempio, a difesa dei mari europei, del Mediterraneo e dell’Adriatico, e del diritto alla salute dei cittadini».

MEPs for the Italian referendum «Stop sea drilling»

On Sunday 17th April, a crucial referendum will take place in Italy, a consultation that will decide whether
to prohibit or not the renewal of drilling oil and gas concessions within 12 miles from the Italian coast.

Referendum indeed is one of the – few – instruments of direct democracy that the Italian Constitution
provides to citizens to let their voice be heard and delete, wholly or partially a state law.

For the first time in the history of the Italian Republic, the referendum was requested by 9 regional governments
and revolves around a law recently passed by Parliament that states concessions already granted should last until the oilfield in question is depleted.
This referendum will asks voters to ban permanently drilling operations along the territorial waters of the Italian Republic;
in particular by erasing the provisions allowing oil companies to search and extract oil and gas within 12 nautical miles .

To save the Mediterranean from oil companies, the “yes” in the referendum must win, but the outcome of the referendum will be valid only
if the 50 percent plus one of eligible voters will go to cast their vote.
As Member of the European Parliament, we are committed to abandon dirty energy projects which harm people and the planet, and initiate
the energy and social transformation that will enable the transition towards a low carbon society. This is why

We fully support the campaign of the «Stop sea drilling» network as well as the efforts of all associations and political parties that will go for the “Yes”
at the referendum and we invite all Italians to vote accordingly at the referendum.

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