Gramsci in translation: Crisis, hegemony and revolution in today’s Europe

Bruxelles, European Parliament (ASP 1G2)
18 October 14.30-20.00 – 19 October 15.00-18.30
organised by GUE/NGL with International Gramsci Society Italia

Gramsci in translation:
Crisis, hegemony and revolution in today’s Europe

Wednesday 18 October – 14.30-20.00 (ASP 1G2)
Welcoming greetings Gabi Zimmer (President of Gue/Ngl)
Introductory remarks Eleonora Forenza (Mep Gue/Ngl – Altra Europa)

1) The neo-liberal hegemonic apparatuses: European governance and the nation-state
Chair: Marisa Matias (Mep Gue/Ngl – Bloco de Esquerda)
Fortunato Cacciatore (University of Calabria)
Fabio Frosini (University of Urbino – Igs Italia)
Guido Liguori (University of Calabria – President Igs Italia)
Dolores Morondo Taramundi (University of Deusto – Bilbao)

2) People, populisms, (inter)national-popular: From subalternity to self-determination
Chair: Nikos Kountis (Mep Gue/Ngl – Popular Unity)
Massimo Modonesi (National University of Mexico – Igs)
Maite Mola (Vice-President of the Party of the European Left)
Panagiotis Sotiris (University of Athens)
Pasquale Voza (University of Bari)

Coffee break

3) How is common sense shaped today? Mass media and the struggle for hegemony
Chair: Curzio Maltese (Mep Gue/Ngl – Altra Europa)
Montserrat Galcerán Huguet (Complutense University of Madrid)
Samuele Mazzolini (University of Essex)
Paula Velasco (University of Sevilla)

General discussion

Thursday 19 October 15-18.30 (ASP 1G2) Final round table
One century after October 1917: the method of revolution today
Chair: Eleonora Forenza (Mep Gue/Ngl – Altra Europa)
Francesco Campolongo (Partito della Rifondazione Comunista)
Valentina Cuppi (Igs Italia)
Brais Fernández (Viento Sur)
Gianfranco Rebucini (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales –EHESS – Paris)
José Sarrión Andaluz (Izquierda Unida)
Peter D. Thomas (Brunel University – London)
Miguel Urbán Crespo (Podemos)

General and open discussion
Final remarks: Eleonora Forenza (Mep Gue/Ngl – Altra Europa)

Draft programme
Bruxelles, European Parliament (ASP 1G2)
18 ottobre 15-20 – 19 ottobre 15-18.30

Gramsci e la rivoluzione nel nostro tempo: crisi ed egemonia nello spazio europeo
Gli apparati egemonici neoliberisti governance europea e stato-nazione
Popolo, populismi, (inter)nazionale-popolare: dalle subalternità all’autodeterminazione
Come si forma il senso comune oggi? Mass-media e lotta per l’egemonia
Cent’anni di Ottobre: il metodo della rivoluzione oggi

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